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If you have a link you'd like me to add, just email me!
BtVS Writers' Guild ... Collection of sites for writing BtVS characters.
Buffy Fic by Wynd Gyrl ... Wynd Gyrl's archive.
Hairy Eyeball ... Willow/Giles archive.
Near Her Always ... the Willow Zone of the BtVS Writers' Guild. Lots of Willow-centric fanfic!
OzMIA ... lots of Willow/Oz fics!
Inell's Fanfiction - Inell's site.
Shimmer ... the Willow/Xander Zone of the BtVS Writers' Guild.
Twisting the Hellmouth ... The BtVS Crossover Zone of the Writer's Guild.
UCSL ... huge archive for unconventional relationship fanfic.
Save the following image to your own server, then link it back here with the following code (without the *):
<*a href="http://wga.hairy-eyeball.com" target="new"><*img src="IMAGE NAME" alt="The Willowy Goodness Awards"><*/a>
If you don't like the following banners and buttons then feel free to make your own!
Just be sure to email it to me so I can put it up and give you credit!
Made by Jen:) - willowslilsecret@gmail.com
Made by Kaz - kaz@nearheralways.com
The following banners were made by Lar. Thanks SO much!
The following banners were made by Malea. Thank you hon!
The following banners were made by Sinecure. Thank you!
The following banner was made by Padre. Thanks so much!
The following buttons and banners were made by Syrenslure of Black Cat Productions! Thank you!
The following buttons and banners were made by Lady Alexia V. Thanks so much!
The Willowy Goodness Awards are brought to you by Elisabeth and Hairy Eyeball, who has taken over from Willow's Lil' Secret and Jen.
Originally brought to you by Near Her Always (the Willow Character Zone of the BtVS Writers' Guild) and Kaz.
Questions? Email Elisabeth!
Website Design by Elisabeth.